Publication date: 11/22/16

Thankful for Faithful Disciples

As we explain what God has done for new believers, it keeps reminding us, too. We all need reminding that salvation means so much more than just being free from the penalty of sin. We went from being without hope and without God in the world… to being His beloved children, authorized to represent Him as ambassadors in the world. Co-laborers with Him in the harvest field.

It's in that spirit that we share some results for this year so far. In 2016, you and the Skinner family have been able to be a vital part of :

  • Evangelism and discipleship training for thousands of Online Missionaries.
  • Devotional teaching going out in 9 languages to over 6 million recipients worldwide. (The twelve I wrote this year were opened by 729,000 recipients in English alone.)
  • Prayer leadership and coverage for the African nations of 241 of our Online Missionaries.
  • Strategic planning for our new software and all our work in the coming year.
  • 9,180,775 (through October) letting us know they prayed to receive Christ!

And here are some updates on long-term disciples who are themselves ambasssadors for Christ:

Joe, 2008: “After reading what you had to say, I came to the conclusion that I really haven’t accepted Jesus and allowed Him to save me and bring me closer to God. Today I truly accepted Jesus as my savior and the Lord of everything in my life.” Today, Joe is pastor of a church in Waynesburg, OH.

Khamila, 2011: “I used to wonder about whether I was really saved. However, through reading 1 John and meditating on it, I see God has sealed us.” Today, Khamila is a marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles and co-leads a small group at Hillsong Church.

Emmy, 2008: “My wish is to accept Jesus as my Savior. But to accept you have to believe. How come I don't get this 100% certainty about Jesus Christ?” 2009: “God is telling me… give myself up to Jesus and let him take control. Leave my old ways behind. Repent. Thats how it ended and I was free at last. I am so peaceful.” Today, Emmy disciples others through GMO herself. She's scheduled to tell her story in Phoenix in February, where I'll get to meet her for the first time!

A frequent prayer of mine has been that God would show lasting fruit from the seeds we've sown together. It always makes me thankful to think about these and others, just as it makes me grateful for what you've been able to sow into our ministry!

Love, in Christ,

Mike Skinner Cindy Skinner

One Day Closer!
Romans 13:11