Annual response as seen through the lens of the hardest to reach

The original vision for Global Media Outreach was to give everyone on earth multiple opportunities to trust Jesus. Our aim has been to attract them with the hope of the gospel, confront them with the truth of the gospel, and get them connected with a trained volunteer Online Missionary. In our founder’s words, we “meet them at their point of need” and build a relationship based on trust in which they can ask any question. We ask them questions, too: designed to surface anything keeping them from wholeheartedly trusting and serving Christ.

We find that the name of our “The Field is the World” letter continues to hold true: the world responds to the gospel like the field in Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13. Only one of the four soils in the parable becomes fruitful. One other soil may represent a person who has come to genuine, saving faith, but has been “choked out” by the cares of the world so as to fail to produce fruit. Likewise, we find that up to 23% of our Contacts reply back to their Online Missionaries who follow the principles laid out in our Discipleship Training course.

The numbers are in for our 20th year of ministry, and there are many ways to slice them. One tool I use to evaluate our outreach is Open Doors’ World Watch List: we’re one of the safest and most effective ways to reach out to the 50 places in the world where Christians face the most persecution. On the most recent version of this list are: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, and Yemen. In 2024, these places gave us 32,727,687 gospel visits, 10,980,352 indicated decisions and 937,999 New Contacts!

World Watch List rank Country Gospel Visits Indicated Decisions Contacts New Disciples
1 North Korea 14 3 10 0
2 Somalia 95,103 39,715 2,263 30
3 Yemen 910,532 389,220 20,600 6
4 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 341,051 127,444 2,979 2
5 Sudan 239,555 96,430 5,115 1
6 Eritrea 107 23 34 0
7 Nigeria 3,465,102 1,573,651 126,068 1,108
8 Pakistan 3,730,779 710,260 259,244 175
9 Iran 93,340 25,807 1,766 0
10 Afghanistan 146,109 48,276 59,471 13
11 India 4,272,398 2,475,159 151,507 468
12 Saudi Arabia 10,719 4,327 218 1
13 Myanmar 15,777 15,003 221 3
14 Mali
10,399 336 0
15 China 15,566 11,418 261 2
16 Maldives 48,136 1,150 15 1
17 Iraq 950,608 445,477 8,664 1
18 Syrian Arab Republic 585,685 222,364 8,070 3
19 Algeria 2,505,758 928,664 27,707 4
20 Burkina Faso 72,420 13,687 1,267 3
21 Morocco 675,947 162,014 8,466 26
22 Lao Peoples Democratic Republic 11,507 30,231 80 0
23 Mauritius 165,150 9,546 340 3
24 Bangladesh 691,251 400,090 4,217 5
25 Uzbekistan 50,610 21,170 431 0
26 Cuba 909,384 168,903 13,818 41
27 Central African Republic 38,426 5,497 986 2
28 Niger 67,855 17,639 631 3
29 Turkmenistan 4,331 546 3 0
30 Nicaragua 243,598 92,402 2,432 108
31 Mexico 774,706 129,269 7,524 5
32 Oman 46,291 1,910 63 1
33 Ethiopia 1,134,990 286,944 63,418 527
34 Tunisia 314,214 90,879 1,014 3
35 Democratic Republic Of The Congo 1,206,881 178,792 22,520 48
36 Bhutan 5,324 3,589 155 1
37 Mozambique 1,239,610 169,874 29,415 184
38 Kazakhstan 64,500 29,387 316 3
39 Tajikistan 18,405 9,354 142 0
40 Egypt 4,038,164 1,233,026 47,149 6
41 Qatar 28,484 862 105 0
42 Comoros 23,522 3,620 181 0
43 Cameroon 475,835 60,121 7,946 41
44 Viet Nam 9,108 19,434 50 0
45 Turkey 540,501 223,877 13,644 1
46 Colombia 1,952,865 389,862 33,313 37
47 Kyrgyzstan 84,513 23,268 667 0
48 Brunei Darussalam 99,390 456 18 3
49 Chad 136,499 35,574 2,250
50 Jordan 137,746 43,739 889 1

It's astounding to see that our Online Missionaries marked 175 Disciples from Pakistan: 30 even from Somalia. “Ejaz” from Pakistan asked, “Is the Jesus God?” “Obax” from Somalia asked, “How do I improve my love in the Lord?

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s holiday celebration! Luke and Lillian visited us here in Memphis for the first time, and Emily and Matthew also drove up from Jackson, MS. Matthew’s parents from Australia flew here for vacation (“holiday”) and spent several days in Memphis with us before continuing on (with Emily and Matthew joining them) to sites in Alabama, South and North Carolina and Washington, D.C. before parting ways so Ken and Hayley could continue to the U.K. and Italy.

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ken-and-hayley-ridden mike-cindy-snow scott-lisa donna

Thank you for your prayers and support of our worldwide ministry! We wish you all a New Year full of blessings and deep fellowship with God!

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