Building Phase
Global Media Outreach Online Missionary Tuan Nguyen moved to the USA in 1975. The next day, the South Vietnamese government surrendered. He had a successful career in the U.S., then retired early a few years ago. He read the book “Halftime,” by Bob Buford, and decided to make the second half of his life count for eternity.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
— Ephesians 2:10
He’s doing that by serving in one of our English specialty response communities as well as helping with our Vietnamese language response. He shares his faith daily and sends a weekly teaching email in English to 50 international disciples besides the 30 who receive it in Vietnamese. Tuan’s life verse is Ephesians 2:10 (right).
Mentoring Initiative Update
We want to maximize the impact of amazing Online Missionaries like Tuan. That’s why we launched the Mentoring Initiative I mentioned in last month’s latter. Our nine Mentors are in four time-zones and average almost six years of experience with us. Over 300 of our Online Missionaries have signed up for mentoring, and 47 reviews and sessions have been completed.
Just as we’d hoped, we’re hearing inspiring accounts of how God is working in our ministry. Some of those stories come from simply getting better acquainted with people like Tuan. Others come from our review of the interactions of the Online Missionaries with their contacts. For instance, Gene has been working with Peter in Kenya, who began receiving our 30-day initial discipleship follow-up series. His whole family prayed to receive Christ, the children decided on their own to stop attending the Madrasas (school for indoctrination in the Qur’an) and, when confronted, Peter lost his job. Please pray for them.
Other projects
Managing the mentoring program is taking up a lot of my time right now, but it doesn’t mean we can halt progress on other efforts. Here are some upcoming items for serious prayer:
Revision of our core software platform.
Our secure Response Center has been with GMO about as long as I have, which means it’s showing its age. Rather than replacing it or doing drastic overhauls, we’ve made gradual improvements over the years, and it’s definitely time for a fundamental revision to add better support for mobile access and multiple communication channels. We had all-day meetings for brainstorming and storyboarding this week (7/23-27). I’d appreciate your prayers that this time would be very fruitful.
Fiscal Year 2019 Kickoff meetings.
Last year, we began forming language teams, and now are well-staffed in several languages. In August, we’ll be hosting them at our Plano, TX headquarters again for strategy meetings. Thanks in advance for praying for this crucial get-together!
Thank you for all your prayers and support for our work! Tuan, Gene and Peter are amazing examples of how God works through our volunteers to build His Kingdom! It wouldn't be possible for me to foster their work in this way without your investment in us.
Love, in Christ,

One Day Closer!
Romans 13:11