Dear Family and Friends:

“If I had a chance to tell your ministry partners about how your site helped,” my Cantonese friend Mei Wing wrote me, “I’d tell them you’ve taught and enlightened me so much about the knowledge of God. It has made me grow spiritually, and without you, I wouldn’t have found the church here. It has empowered me and equipped me with more knowledge than I could ever achieved studying on my own. Although I’m still new in this and people tried to discourage me, it will not affect me as the Holy Spirit is strong within me.”

To help you understand Mei Wing, try to imagine growing up in Malaysia’s mix of cultures, ethnicities, and religions, with Malays, Chinese, Indonesians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and atheists as friends… She was sent to Western-style private Christian schools. Who could blame her for taking the statues of Jesus, Mary and the saints she saw there to be idols, like she and her family worshiped at home? “I was brought up as a Taoist from a long history of Taoist beliefs passed down from my ancestors. Not really understanding what it meant, we just did what our parents did, worshiped idols and our ancestors. Even our parents didn’t really understand what it was…

“Years ago, I had a dream where I heard a man’s voice saying, ‘You will be a Christian one day.’” But “one day” didn’t come for many years, she said; “I was really stubborn.” As a gemstone dealer, she lived in Malaysia, Thailand, Holland and France—finally meeting and marrying a Dutch man who also speaks English.

A crisis back home galvanized her: her brother’s terminal cancer. He was given three months to live, as it spread rapidly to his lungs, liver and backbone. A recently-converted Christian, her mom urged the rest of the family to pray for his healing. She did, and “My father and I were baptized together in my mother’s church, December 2007. At first, my mind was only filled with my brother and his illness. After my baptism, the Holy Spirit must have filled me; all I think about is Jesus. I just can’t get [Him] out of my mind even till this day. It was like my whole life, body and soul, I’ve surrendered to Jesus. Not only was I thinking about Jesus, I can’t stop talking about Him.”

Her brother was miraculously healed, with no trace of cancer remaining. This story caught the attention of her mother’s family, and they also turned to Christ. “They had 16 idols in their home, they had been messing with unknown idols and palm reading, tarot card reading, Feng Shui and so on, and there were many evil spirits lingering in their house. My uncle had been demon possessed before some years back. None of the Taoist priests could get the evil spirits out of their house; one of the priests became so sick, he almost died. I told my aunt that she should tell the pastors to remove the idols and rebuke the evil spirits in the name of Jesus”, she said, “when they prayed, she could feel the cold vibration leaving the house. Everyone who was there witnessed it…

For Mei Wing, living in the “post-Christian” Netherlands has been no easier, spiritually, than Malaysia. Her husband’s not a Christian, so she’s been anxious to find a church for them, but hasn’t been able to find one with English services they can both understand. She was so depressed she wanted to leave Holland. In March, she clicked an advertising link on her own website, which brought her right to our site, where she was grounded through our 30-day study and fellowship in our chat discipleship groups. She’s there each Thursday for my “open forum” chat, full of questions from the previous week, so our talks tend to whiz through the Bible at a rapid pace as we find the answers she needs and pray together. She is consumed with Jesus and His purposes, and determined to make up for lost time!

Last month, after one of our sessions, I was so burdened about her situation that after prayer, I felt led to enter the search term “English church services in the Netherlands” with quotes, and found a great church right in her town! I had tried before and been unable to find anything, but those parameters did it. I e-mailed them about her and they contacted me the next day. She and her husband have been attending ever since and she is so excited.

This is what our ministry is all about! There are many like Mei Wing in the world, isolated from fellowship with other believers, deprived of a good understanding of what Christianity is all about, and in need of prayer, encouragement and answers. Thank you for helping us serve them in the name of Jesus!

Sincerely in Christ,
P.S. Please see our latest photos!